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Despite improvements in medicine, tetanus is still a fatal infectious disease which can be prevented by immunoprophylaxis and it should always be kept in mind after injuries. In this case report, we present a patient who had no previous immunization history and did not have tetanus prophylaxis completed at the first visit of the emergency department after injury. The patient was followed with a clinical picture of generalized tetanus in intensive care unit, but autonomic dysfunction could not be taken under control despite treatment and resulted in mortality. Tetanus prophylaxis should be questioned in patients applying with injury or trauma. Strategies should be developed in order to achieve regular vaccination, with respect to adult immunization in particular. Klimik Dergisi 2019; 32(2): 200-2.
Cite this article as: Arslan-Gülen T, Destegül D, Ortaköylü-Kılıçkaya R, İmre A, Atan-Uçar Z , Kayabaş Ü. [Adult tetanus with fatal course: A case report]. Klimik Derg. 2019; 32(2): 200-2. Turkish.