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Legionella pneumophila, an etiologic agent of both community- and hospital-acquired pneumonia that can show serious course, and can be transmitted via aerosols from shower heads and air conditioners, and does not respond to β-lactam antibiotics. It can cause sporadic infections or epidemics. It can colonize in city waters, natural water sources such as thermal pools and humidifier water systems of air conditioners. In this report, a 54-year old male with L. pneumophila pneumonia presented with complaints of fever, cough and diarrhea for five days, and diagnosed by a positive urinary antigen test is presented. Upon deterioration of his condition on the first day, he was transferred to the intensive care unit. and died on 36th day in the picture of acute respiratory distress syndrome. The patient's history revealed smoking and a shower at a hotel as risk factors for Legionella.
Klimik Dergisi 2020; 33(1): 95-9.
Cite this article as: Öztoprak-Siyah Ü, Arslan K, Cesur S, Ataman-Hatipoğlu Ç, Sevim Ş, Kınıklı S. [Community-acquired Legionella pneumophila pneumonia progressing to acute respiratory distress syndrome: A case report]. Klimik Derg. 2020; 33(1): 95-9. Turkish.