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Anthrax is an endemic disease in Turkey. Cutaneous form accounts for 95% of cases. We have examined the clinical features, therapy and outcome of 14 cases with cutaneous anthrax diagnosed in Muş, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, between July 2006 and November 2007. All but one patient had a history of exposure to infected animals or contaminated animal products. The patients were 15-65 years of age, 6 males and 8 females. Distrubutions of lesions were one on the face, one on the neck, three on the forearms and eight on the hands. The clinical presentation was malignant edema in one patient and malignant pustule in 13 patients. The agent was seen on Gram-stained smears in four patients. Other patients were diagnosed by clinical findings. While 13 patients were cured, one patient had to be referred to an advanced center because of impending asphyxia.