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Objective: In this study, we aimed to assess sharps injuries occuring in a training and research hospital retrospectively and to clarify the current situation in order to reach conclusions and suggestions about the subject.
Methods: The data was obtained from the notification forms with 18 questions filled by 124 health workers who were exposed to sharps injuries and applied to the infection control committee unit at the relevant dates. The data was statistically analysed with a p value of <0.05 being considered as significant.
Results: At the end of the study, it was found out that 63.7% of the workers exposed to injuries were <30 years old and the average age was 27.9. A statistically significant correlation was found between the relevant age groups and injury prevalence. Injuries in the 16-30 age group were more frequent in clinical services, emergency services and blood sampling unit whereas injuries in >30 age group were mostly observed in clinic services (internal and surgical units) and operating rooms. It was found that hand injuries were the most common and needle sticks were the most frequent (91.1%) cause of injury.
Conclusions: The primary way to prevent the sharps injuries is to improve safety and to develop effective employee safety policies. Additionally, taking universal precautions, regular trainings, reducing staff workload and provision of safe and useful materials can be among the suggestions that can prevent injuries. Klimik Dergisi 2018; 31(3): 200-4.
Cite this article as: Dizili-Yelgin C, Çıkman A, Karakeçili F, Gülhan B, Aydın M. [Evaluation of sharps injuries in a training and research hospital]. Klimik Derg. 2018; 31(3): 200-4. Turkish.