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Streptococcus intermedius is part of the normal oropharyngeal, genitourinary and gastrointestinal flora, and can cause purulent infections characterized by abscess formation involving the brain and the liver tissue. In this report, multiple pyogenic liver abscesses due to S. intermedius in a 46-year-old male admitted to the emergency department with complaints of fever, cough, and weakness, and hospitalized with a diagnosis of suspected COVID-19 with pneumonia, is presented. The diagnosis was made by isolating the agent from the abscess. After percutaneous abscess drainage and antimicrobial treatment, the patient fully healed.
Klimik Dergisi 2020; 33(3): 324-6.
Cite this article as: Sarı M, Cesur S, Özsoy M, Ataman-Hatipoğlu Ç, Kınıklı S. [Multiple pyogenic liver abscesses due to Streptococcus intermedius]. Klimik Derg. 2020; 33(3): 324-6. Turkish.