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Objective: Coinfection of HIV and syphilis, especially in men who have sex with men has been increasing all over the world in recent years. We evaluated the seroprevalence of HIV/syphilis coinfections in patients followed by our clinic for the control of these diseases.
Methods: A total of 384 HIV-infected patients followed between June 2015 and August 2018, and their sociodemographic characteristics such as age, gender, nationality, marital status, educational level, HIV and syphilis transmission routes, laboratory parameters such as CD4 T lymphocyte count, HIV viral load, semiquantitative rapid plasma reagin and Treponema pallidum hemaglutination assay were evaluated.
Results: Of 384 HIV-infected patients, 97 (25%) were diagnosed with syphilis coinfection. 85% of the infected with HIV were male, and 93% of those with HIV/syphilis coinfection were male (p=0.023). Among those with HIV infection 40% had heterosexual intercourse, 34% had homosexual intercourse, those with HIV/syphilis coinfection had 37% heterosexual intercourse and 55% homosexual intercourse (p=0.000).
Conclusions: Syphilis screening should be performed in HIV-infected patients and screening for HIV should be performed in syphilis patients. Homosexual intercourse is a risk factor especially in HIV/syphilis coinfection. The risk of syphilis is also high in older ages and therefore increasing the screening of HIV and syphilis in all age groups is necessary for early diagnosis and prevention of transmission. Klimik Dergisi 2019; 32(2): 161-4.
Cite this article as: Sarıgül F, Üser Ü, Öztoprak N. [Seroprevalence and risk factors in HIV/AIDS patients coinfected with syphilis]. Klimik Derg. 2019; 32(2): 161-4. Turkish.