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In this report, a case of severe hyponatremia associated with moxifloxacin is presented. A ninety-year-old woman was hospitalized with pneumonia. On the first day of hospitalization, blood sodium was 141 mmol/L. Persistent hyponatremia (123-127 mmol/L) began in the second day of moxifloxacin therapy. It did not improve despite the use of hypertonic fluids throughout the two-week treatment. The therapy was discontinued on the 13th day with moxifloxacin as the cause of hyponatremia in mind. Next day, the blood sodium of 127 mmol/L was detected. Gradually increasing levels were monitored and one week after discontinuation of therapy normal results were obtained. It should be kept in mind that hyponatremia may develop during the use of moxifloxacin, especially in patients with additional risk factors.
Klimik Dergisi 2017; 30(3): 153-4.
Cite this article as: Ademoğlu D, Şeker R, Sert AŞ. [Severe hyponatremia during moxifloxacin treatment: a case report]. Klimik Derg. 2017; 30(3): 153-4. Turkish.