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It has been well known that Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) has similar clinical characteristics with many infectious diseases. Brucellosis, leptospirosis, Q fever and other viral haemorrhagic fevers should be definitely considered in the differential diagnosis of CCHF in the endemic areas. This report presents a 54-year-old male who applied to our clinic with fever, diffuse body aches, myalgia, arthralgia and ecchymosis. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the difficulty in diagnosing of concurrent CCHF and brucellosis, two infectious diseases that show similar symptoms making them hard to distinguish.
Klimik Dergisi 2019; 32(3): 338-40.
Cite this article as: Büyüktuna SA, Öksüz C, Hasbek M. [Concurrent brucellosis and Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever: a case report]. Klimik Derg. 2019; 32(3): 338-40. Turkish.